Recently I've been thinking a lot about product placement and subliminal advertising
Kinda made the world a more interesting/artistic place
Feel nostalgic 4 the early 70s, when I used 2 chill out with my Sports Illy and look 4 'massive cocks' in the ice cubes of alky ads
Pretty sure 'all that shit was outlawed' tho (via the Moral Majority)
Sometimes wonder if maybe our society in 2k9 is 2 constrained (via heteronormative institutions such as marriage and capitalism)
Worried about where we're headed in 2k9.5, every1
Do u think the economy is getting better, or is it still 'in the shitter'?
Sometimes think I'm getting more and more selfish (via social darwinism)
Feel like I'd do 'pretty much n e thing' 4 more blog hit$
But feel sad whenever I see a tiny lil blog with 'google advertising'
Makes me wonder if the blogger has any 'integrity' or 'intelligence'
N e way, thought I'd 'reach out' to some MNCs (multi-national corps) 4 some $
If u look carefully at this photograph and compare it 2 the first 1, u may/may not see a 'product'
Let me know what u think it might be
And what kind of 'associations' it raises 4 u
E.g., do u want 2 'chill' with a brewski?
Or maybe get 'fucking blitzed'
Just remember every1: 'know when 2 say when'
Or if u look at the picture upside-down does it make u want to ____?
Did u know that that 'pink triangle' is the oldest trademark in the world, dating back to the ancient Greeks?
Do u ever go to 'focus groups'
Not sure if they even exist in 2k9
That's how I used 2 'make my living'
Never told s000 many lies in my life
Miss u, 1998
b4 I went mnstrm
See u in my dreams