This weekend -- as you'll see if you read below -- I decided to start posting entries from my old journals (via manic energy after turning in my novel). I started with Paris, but there's a LOT more that I'll probably weave in and out of the blog's 'narrative' going forward. I don't think the writing is 'that gr8' or anything, but basically, I find my present life s00 boring (via capitalism and 'middle age') that I figured it was a 'waste' 2 squander all of this old 'content.'
As some1 who 'came out' as a non-heterosexual relatively late, I find a certain amusement in 'reading b/w the lines' of these entries (via closet-case-o-rama), but I'm also consoled by the idea that I'm not a completely different person than I once was (in the good ways), as I have sometimes been inclined to think during the past ten years or so (via feeling like 'a fraud').
Sometimes I think life is about learning how 2 forgive yourself for what u did in the past, which is ultimately reflected in the concept of 'original sin,' i.e., 2 b born is 2 basically start fucking thingz up all over the place (philosophical analysis via Schopenhauer).
Or maybe life is abt spending a few hours on a sweet MacBook lappy as you chill with the catz on a new mid-century-mod couch on ur day off. Srsly, feel like the most important debate of 2k9 is boiling down to this: Tumblr vs Twitter.
Or maybe it's the hope 2 sleep 4 just a few hours without ne1 waking u up.