Today was gray and dreary, which ended up being the perfect excuse to do nothing, if 'nothing' can be defined as blogging, watching teevee and having afternoon tea and strudel.
This week we've been watching 'Big Love,' the series about a polygamous family trying to 'pass' in a suburb in Utah. We're a little obsessed with the character of Nicki Grant -- played by Chloe Sevigny -- an exceedingly and often hilariously tightly wound 'second wife' of the boring husband. Because Nicki grew up on the fundamentalist 'compound,' she is by far the most complicated and compelling character on the show, one who continually struggles with modern (and to her, at least outwardly, morally repugnant) obsessions like credit card debt, gambling and birth control (if being on 'the pill' can be considered an obsession, which it probably could to a religious fundamentalist?). She alone is worth watching the series, although there are some other amazingly 'zany' and conflicted characters (the husband's mother Lois is noteworthy) who are probably only a few steps removed from people we all know and maybe love in our own lives (which is also why the show is fun and painful -- in a good way -- to watch).
At around 4:00 pm, we decided to take a tea-and-strudel break.
Here's Nicki winning at bingo.
Sometimes bad weather isn't really so 'bad' after all.
Like so many people with something to hide, Nicki is the most judgmental character on the show; in some ways she is like a closet-case whose walls are slowly crumbling as she -- often unconsciously -- throws herself into situations that will force her to leave her past behind.
The skies remained heavy over the George Washington Bridge, but for a moment were illuminated with a golden and serene light.