After flying over Manhattan in the morning, I went last night down to the East Village to meet a friend for dinner. The first place had no reservations available, so we went to a second spot where the crowd was spilling out on the street, which led us to a third place, where we were told that they actually did have a single reservation left for two, at 9:45pm (it was 7:45). We both sighed, since we were both better acquainted with an East Village that existed close to twenty years ago, when the concept of reservations was pretty much foreign to the neighborhood. We did see a punk get violently thrown out of a bar on Avenue A, however, so there was that. In the end we went to an Indian restaurant in 'Little India' (aka Sixth Street), which was good.
After dinner we went to a 'Tumblr meetup' at a bar on Avenue A, which thankfully was neither too crowded nor too loud. It was interesting to meet people 'IRL' whose blogs I've followed and admired, and there were some great moments of sit-com hilarity, such as when I gave my phone to Meg with a thought to text the absent Jennie to find out where she was, but ended up accidentally sending the text to Norman, who was sitting two feet from us. Meg (who had never met Jennie IRL) then recomposed the text (a work-intensive process in a dark bar after a drink or two) and sent the following: 'You should come here because I am her. It's me, Meg,' which (i.e., the typo 'her' for 'here') led to many more laffs).
True, I felt a bit old at times (because I was definitely pushing that end of the spectrum; most of the ppl there were in their 20s, if I had to guess), but I didn't mind. The city was crowded and spinning, and for a few hours it felt good to be a part of it.