We decided to visit the community garden on 162nd Street between Amsterdam and Edgecombe Avenue. As usual it was overflowing with a verdant patchwork of flowers, trees, and fruits/vegetables. A few years ago, we donated an apple tree, which otherwise would have faced the same fate as so many trees in our light-challenged garden: death. Here, however, it was thriving. We also donated a cherry that was also doing well. To see this garden made me wish that the city would allocate more land for community gardens. For example, there's a big abandoned lot around the corner at Saint Nicholas and Amsterdam. When we moved uptown, it was a [chain drug store] but my understanding is that the land, which is built over the subway, could not sustain any building and so the [chain drug store] moved across the street into its [hideous] new location. The point being, it would be a perfect site for a community garden. I've written my council member many times over the years to inquire about this possibility, but have received no response. Fifteen years ago I was told by the council member's representative that the site was, in fact, slated for park/garden development, but nothing has happened, as you can't see from the picture I haven't posted. (Imagine a big, weed-filled lot.) "Community gardens are amazing, and we should have more of them." -- Last words of a dying flower "Fine, but we must be vigilant, because I've heard that community gardens are havens for flying snakes." -- Elektra Meanwhile, everyone was exhausted from living with a teenager. "She has so000ooo0o0o much energy," said Zephyr, as Dante stopped to literally smell the flowers. Here's Clio when everyone else is getting ready to go to sleep. "What's on teevee?" The good news is that she's (mostly) getting along better with everyone else, except for when she screams down the stairs at 100 mph and Dante -- who has to take them one at a time -- gets frightened. Cats: basically just like people! "I have no idea what happened to the ham and sausage that was left on the counter." -- Clio Clio's not allowed outside yet, so we like to give Dante a reprieve. The sun pours in: we're obviously very lucky to have a garden. But we still hope that everyone who wants a little bit of outdoor space in a nearby community garden can get some.