1. All week I was looking at the forecast and dreading this morning, predicted to have a mix of snow turning to ice turning to rain, which is not ideal running weather. The forecast turned out to be 100-percent correct and I resolved to run on the treadmill. But once I was out shoveling, I realized I wanted to see my favorite tree in the snow, and so off I went. 2. In some ways, it was easier than yesterday, when it was sixteen degrees and still painfully windy. (Wind chill minus four thousand.) I wore so many layers and still thought my nose was going to fall off when I was running south along the river. The problem for me -- and, I'm sure, others like me -- is that wrapping up my face means that my glasses fog up. Life is full of compromises, obviously. 3. All pain aside, the frozen colors in the park were perfect. 4. Here's the same view only twenty-four hours later. Weather! 5. "I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to make the weather perfect for me all the time." -- every Donald Trump supporter, more or less 6. Like so many voters confronting the real world, the lamb's ears (Stachys byzantina) wilted when confronted with frigid reality. 7. Other plants, less naive, were better equipped for the cold weather and glowed in the distant sun. 8. Some landscapes look amazing in any weather, although here it's important to remember that the park, an artificial landscape, requires a lot of work and money to keep it looking vibrant and available to everyone. 9. I wonder what the metaphorical park/artificial landscape that is our country will look like in four or eight years, because right now it seems like the metaphorical walls are going up, the metaphorical gates are being slammed shut, and the metaphorical plants are being sold to the highest bidders. (The highest bidders are of course completely literal.) 10. Right after I took this picture, my camera-equipped phone turned off and wouldn't turn on again, because it was too cold. I guess we all have differing ways of coping. 11. And then I was back again. Everything looked the same, but very different too. 12. Running through the snow isn't exactly running, but it's still a good workout. It's like "cross-training," meaning it's good for your balance and "engages your core" because you have to do a lot of high stepping and swinging of the arms and so forth. I only went about half as far as I usually go, which I hope doesn't ruin my half-marathon training schedule. (I'm pretty sure it won't.) 13. I hope Donald Trump gets rid of the plastic bag that's stuck in the tree. 14. Back at home, I took Clio out into the snow. Everyone else turned around, and it didn't take long for her to follow. 15. "I'm young but I'm learning fast."